suspended matter

英 [səˈspendɪd ˈmætə(r)] 美 [səˈspendɪd ˈmætər]

网络  悬浮物; 悬浮体; 悬浮物质



  1. One possibility is somehow to make these small particles join together to become larger ones, which can then be treated as suspended matter.
  2. Study on remote sensing estimation of suspended matter concentrations based on in situ hyperspectral data in Lake Tai waters
  3. Inversion of total suspended matter concentration in turbid water based on the characteristic of chlorophyll fluorescence peak
  4. Liquid which contains solid particle, fibre and suspended matter.
  5. Suspended matter must be removed to enable determination of true color.
  6. Corresponding relationship between suspended matter concentration and turbidity on Changjiang Estuary and adjacent sea area
  7. Concentration and Speciation of 27 Elements in Sediments and Suspended Matter from Guangzhou Section of the Pearl River
  8. The adsorption sedimentation of radionuclide on suspended matter is an important mechanism affecting the radionuclide migration in the bay.
  9. Increase of total suspended matter results in decrease of transparency and increase of beam attenuation coefficient.
  10. The result showed that the main influence factor on sea water quality are suspended matter and inorganic nitrogen etc.
  11. Study on the suspended matter of the sea water of the Bohai Gulf
  12. The low SSC had minor effect on the flocculation of suspended matter in the estuarine water.
  13. The organic related particles have important contribution for enhancing the suspended matter viscosity and against flow shear.
  14. This study provides the basis for further studies on the origin and mechanism of suspended matter.
  15. In wastewater treatment, flotation is used principally to remove suspended matter and to concentrate biosolids.
  16. A study on total suspended matter in Lake Taihu
  17. Separation and Analysis of Suspended Matter in Jet Fuel
  18. The technology of Gall film liquid filtration in separating the suspended matter of fluid is introduced.
  19. The results showed that the accumulation of the organic suspended matter in the surface layer of the percolation medium because of withholding and adsorbing was the main reason that led to the clogging of the CRI system.
  20. Based on the formula of vertical flux of total suspended matters in sea water and according to suspended matter concentration, its vertical flux and settling velocity, a new method evaluating the vertical velocity of sea water has been put out.
  21. Damage mechanism of the injected water in reservoirs in Bonan oilfield is studied. Causing reservoir damage degree, the factors including injection water quality, suspended matter, free oil and emulsified oil droplet, scale and bacterium etc are evaluated.
  22. Cold water mass in the central region of the South Yellow Sea also exert influence on horizontal and vertical dispersion of suspended matter.
  23. Suspended matter of water samples of large quantity taken from the Huanghai sea and East China sea were studied.
  24. Influence of trace water on formation of suspended matter in jet fuel
  25. Mercury in suspended matter is dominated by mercury bound to humus, because the strong combining ability of humus, this can be reference for mercury pollution harness.
  26. This paper concentrates on the impact of aerator operation on spatial and temporal distribution of suspended matter and dissolved oxygen of pond water to accumulate data for the development of the mechanical application of fisheries and pond aquaculture industry.
  27. River runoffs supply sea water with abundant fresh water and suspended matter, and control the distribution and transportation of suspended matter in summer in the estuary regions.
  28. Detailed research is done for the spatial features and seasonal variations of the distribution and transportation of suspended matter in the surface layer of East China Seas using the retrieved results.
  29. Besides, the pollution analysis of modified ion-exchange membrane polluted by crude oil suspended matter and polymer also had been investigated.